Malt Products Corporation is a manufacturer and distributor of natural sweeteners offering a large variety of malts such as molasses, invert syrups, tapioca syrups, agave nectar, rice syrups, honey, corn sweeteners, and other malts, including organic products.
The company was founded in 1957 and has grown from a regional supplier to an international company offering a full line of natural sweeteners. Malt Products began production in its Dayton, OH facility in 2015 and produces between 25,000 to 50,000 gallons of product daily. According to plant manager, Jim Hettinger, water is paramount in choosing a location for a processing plant and, therefore, access to a high-quality abundant water supply was the primary factor in the company’s decision to locate a plant here.
In addition, Malt Products found the City of Dayton and Montgomery County both welcoming and helpful. He said the City and County helped with “everything from finding employees to navigating the system for inspections, permitting, building specs – all the things you think about when you decide to construct a building.”
Hettinger also noted the relatively low cost of real estate, construction, the availability of intermodal transportation for domestic and global distribution of its products made the decision to locate a plant in Montgomery County “really easy.”
- 1.5 Trillion gallons
- 3,000+ gallons per minute from individual wells
- Supports demand up to and beyond 10 million gallons per day
- EPA award-winning source water protection programs
- Constant 56 degrees F – valuable source of geothermal energy
Malt Products Corporations